by James Killian | Stress & Anxiety
It’s natural to feel down or anxious from time to time. What’s not natural, however is prolonged feelings of hopelessness and despair. When these emotions grab hold, and won’t let go it is likely you may be struggling with depression. Depression...
by James Killian | Stress & Anxiety
Of all the words in the English language, depression may be one of the most misunderstood. Why does the word depression seem to confuse so many people? Why is its real meaning so hard to grasp for most people? And why do so few people take it serious? Likely because...
by James Killian | Relationships
Relationships can only be healthy when both people have the space to be themselves and maintain their personal integrity. If you don’t know how to set healthy boundaries, you will find yourself in unhappy relationships with people who do not respect you. Not...
by James Killian | Stress & Anxiety
Did you know the majority of people who abuse alcohol or are addicted to alcohol also suffer from depression? Because alcohol can feed the brain’s serotonin receptors, it can make us feel good for a short amount of time. This the main reason why people turn to alcohol...
by James Killian | Relationships
Do you find you accept responsibility for a loved one’s emotions or actions? Are you constantly trying to please others? Do you neglect your own needs and have difficulty setting realistic personal boundaries? Do you often feel resentful, yet have difficulty...