When most people think about getting help with addiction, they tend to think of drugs, alcohol, or gambling. But there are many seemingly benign activities that can become an addiction for some people. For some, watching porn is an activity done once in a while for...
Therapy For Men
5 Things You Need To Do For Insomnia
If you're struggling to fall or stay asleep, you're not alone. Insomnia, the chronic inability to get sufficient sleep, affects millions of Americans every night. According to the Centers For Disease Control & Prevention's 2014 study, more than a third of...
How To Control Your Anger
Someone slides into the parking spot right in front of you. A coworker takes credit for your work. Your spouse runs up $200 on the credit card without discussing it first. These are all things that are apt to make you angry. And that’s OK. But if you don't know how to...
5 Ways To Make Friends During A Midlife Crisis
For many people, middle-age is a catalyst to take stock in life. For some, the kids have left for college and there’s more time to consider your likes, dislikes, goals, and dreams. Often this turns into a "midlife crisis." But what happens if you're short on...
How Therapy For Men Can Help With Toxic Masculinity
In recent years, the phrase “toxic masculinity“ has become a growing buzzword. But what exactly is toxic masculinity and how can therapy for men help with it? It used to be men were held in high esteem if words like macho, red-blooded, stoic, were used to describe...
Is My Anger Normal?
Let’s face it; sometimes things just piss us off – even the little things. Anger is a normal reaction that can facilitate better communication and positive change when expressed appropriately. But for some people, managing their own anger is challenging. Usually these...
6 Reasons Therapy For Men Is A Good Idea
While women are often the ones who seek therapy (almost two-thirds of therapy clients), studies have shown that therapy for men is more beneficial than therapy for women. But men rarely seek therapy. Sadly, this is often because they don’t like the idea of opening up...
4 Exercises To Manage Anger
Unless you're a monk in a monastery, surrounded by other monks, chances are you run into people and events that make you downright angry sometimes. And that's okay. Anger is a common human condition and, in many instances, it can serve as a guide to better choices and...