
Helping Kids Cope With Divorce

Helping Kids Cope With Divorce

Divorce isn't easy for anyone, but children can take it particularly hard. Many children don't understand what is happening and many more feel the divorce is somehow their fault. Helping kids cope with divorce may just be the most important part of getting divorced...

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11 Sure-Fire Ways To Fail In Couples Therapy

11 Sure-Fire Ways To Fail In Couples Therapy

Most people come to couples therapy with good intentions. Sadly though, they often still fall into the usual traps of marriage counseling and set themselves up for failure. Bickering, interrupting, contempt, resentment and so on. So how do you avoid all this nonsense?...

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3 Ways To Succeed in Couples Therapy

3 Ways To Succeed in Couples Therapy

As a couples therapist, I sometimes get a front row seat to relationship miracles. Well, not miracles, but you get it.  The fact is “fixing" a relationship takes work. Real work. Not the "just show up once a week and complain about your partner" type of work. If...

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What Parents Should Know About Drug Use

What Parents Should Know About Drug Use

Parenting is one of the toughest jobs in the world - if not the toughest. And unless I missed something, kids don't come with operating instructions. Which would be great if it they did and it outlined what parents should know about drug use with teens. Most parents...

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How To Teach Kids Mindfulness

How To Teach Kids Mindfulness

How to teach kids mindfulness might sound like an oxymoron, but you might be surprised to learn than children as young as 2 years old can learn mindfulness techniques! You might even be asking yourself, how is it that when they WANT to, (like playing video games or...

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4 Keys To Dating With Depression

4 Keys To Dating With Depression

Dating can be challenging for most everyone. But if you're struggling with depression, dating with depression can feel overwhelming and downright terrifying. Not only do you likely feel particularly raw and vulnerable to rejection, but if you are able to connect with...

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5 Warning Signs You Need Couples Therapy

5 Warning Signs You Need Couples Therapy

Likely when you first fell in love with your partner there was very little they could do that would annoy you. You probably weren't reading articles about 'signs you need couples therapy.' You probably never imagined that something as innocuous as how they load the...

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